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2021-07-08 2021 New Rosy Rosa Dense velvet touch brush ! 極細毛刷可服貼肌膚並使底妝密著修飾毛孔! 可使底妝更加服貼,並打造自然光澤感。 握把曲線設計,好施力且好拿握,能令底妝均一塗抹。

2021 New 毛尖極細加工纖維,乾濕兩用。





Description of item

A dense foundation brush that uses plenty of fibers with an ultra-fine tip. The drop-type flat surface of the ultra-fine hair brush fits the skin and covers it evenly and evenly! 

How to use

Liquid cream 
〇 Place the foundation on your forehead, nose, cheeks, etc. with your fingers, and then use the flat surface of the brush to spread the foundation. 〇 After that, finish with face powder etc.
〇 Take an appropriate amount of foundation on the brush. 〇 Remove excess foundation with the back of your hand or tissue paper. 〇 Gently apply foundation from the center of the face to the outside.
  • ★ Gently layer the foundation by placing it with the tip of the brush on areas that you want to cover firmly or in small areas.
  • ★ If you use the powder foundation without washing the brush with the liquid cream foundation, the surface of the foundation may harden and you may not be able to use it, so please do not use it together.

[Cleaning method]

● After use, gently wipe off any dirt with tissue paper. ● If it gets very dirty, lightly shake it in lukewarm water with a mild kitchen detergent dissolved in it, and then rinse it thoroughly. After cleaning, lightly press the ends of the hair against tissue paper to remove moisture. Prepare the ends of the hair and lay the brush on its side to dry it thoroughly. When storing, lay it on its side so that the tips of the hair will not be deformed. ● Do not use detergents containing ethanol.

  • * Do not wash the brush with detergent directly, soak it in water, or clean it with hot water as it may cause hair loss or discoloration. Also, please note that the color may fade if the rinse is insufficient.
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